Kinetic Friction Calculator

Friction Calculator

To Calculate:  

kinetic friction
coefficient (µkinetic):

normal force (Fnormal):


Maximum kinetic
friction (fmax kinetic):



Kinetic Friction Calculator - Select what you want to calculate i.e., kinetic friction, normal force, etc, and place the values in the input boxes below.Use the calculate button to get the required value using friction calculator.

What Is Kinetic Friction?

Friction is easily defined as the force that holds back a sliding object. Kinetic friction is a part of everything, and it interferes motion of two or more objects. The force acts in the opposite direction to the way an object wants to slide. If a car has to stop, we apply brakes and that is exactly where the friction comes into play. While walking, when one wants to suddenly come to a halt, friction is to thank again. But when we have to stop in the middle of a puddle, things get harder since friction is less there and cannot aid one so much.
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In the below sections, you will find out kinetic friction definition, frictional force equation, coefficient of friction formula, how to find frictional force, and how to find coefficient of kinetic friction.

Kinetic Friction Formula

The coefficient of kinetic friction is denoted by the Greek letter “mu” (μ), with a subscript “k”. The force of kinetic friction is μk times the normal force on a body. It is expressed in Newtons (N). The kinetic friction equation can be written as:
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Static friction is the one present between two objects that are not moving with respect to each other. In liquids, friction is the resistance between moving layers of a fluid better known as viscosity. Now take two moving solid objects, this is known as moving or kinetic friction due to its motion.