Sig Fig Calculator

Number or expression
Round to sig fig

What are Significant Figures?

    Significant figures are the digits of a number that are meaningful in terms of accuracy or precision. These digits provide information about how precise a calculation or measurement might be.

    Significant Figures Rules

  • Non-zero digits are always significant

  • Zeros in between non-zero digits are always significant

  • Leading zeros are never significant

  • Trailing zeros are only significant if the number contains a decimal point

How to Identify Non-Significant Figures

    Digits of a number are not significant when they do not add information regarding the precision of that number. They include:
  • Leading zeros as in 0.009 or 0056

  • Trailing zeros as in 45000 when no decimal point is present. If an overline is present as in 45000 the overlined zero is significant but the trailing zeros are not significant.

  • Example: Adding and Subtracting with Significant Figures

        A step in your Let us Make a Latte chemistry lab assignment requires that you account for the volume of fluids in your latte.You are starting with 7 oz. of milk, and your espresso machine uses 2.5 oz. of water to make a 2 oz. espresso shot -- the other 0.5 oz. remains in the espresso puck. Finally, your high tech milk steamer tells you how much water is used in the steaming process, out to 3 decimal places.

        You make your espresso and see that you have pulled the perfect 2 oz. shot. You steam and froth your milk, and the steamer indicator says 0.063 oz. of water was used during the process. You need to add up 2 oz. espresso plus 7 oz. milk plus 0.063 oz. of steam. But because this is a chemistry lab assignment you have to do your math with significant figures..

    Recommendations for sellers

        If, as a business owner, we want to assess our business and the value of the company so that we can sell it, we can learn ways to maximize the selling price. We have three main tips that can help us maximize the value of your business, and these are:

    • It is important to prepare for the sale. We start with the preparations long before we put our business and company up for sale. We must review and edit business books. Edit books and make sure that there are no errors in accounting or reporting.
      This is a situation that can slow down the sales process and make it difficult for us to maximize the value of the company. The fewer things we make that look wrong when analyzing our business, the easier it will be to close and even sell well.
      Also, when we are finally ready for the sale, we must make sure that we have the correct documentation ready before we contact the broker about the business. This can speed up our process and give the broker more confidence to be able to count on our readiness when we need to provide them with more information later. What are the documents that we as business owners should have ready:
      • (a) 2+ years of business tax return;
      • (b) what is our profit and loss account (current gain and loss);
      • (c) current balance sheet.

    • It is important to use a business broker. Using a broker is very important because it can help set the value of our business not only to an acceptable level but could maximize the value of our sales. Brokers can generally get much higher sales amounts than we can get ourselves.

    • It is important not to let our emotions affect sales. Our company and business are very important for us, we have invested all our energy, heart, and soul to be as good as possible and in the place where it is today. But the market is the market and we have to take that into account when we decide to sell our company. Because it gets the value dictated by the market the moment we decide to sell. We need to consider performance, industry, and the current economy. Here we have to put emotions aside.
        The three suggestions when buying a company and business are:

    • It is important to find an industry with potential;
    • It is important to seek financing from the seller;
    • Hire a business broker.