Destruction & Removal Efficieny (DRE) Calculator

Win - Mass feed rate of a particular POHC(kg/h)
Wout - Mass emission rate of the same POHC(kg/h)
DRE  =  40
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Destruction & removal efficieny (DRE) calculator - formula & step by step calculation to measure the amount of hazardous constituents that may be emitted to the air from an operating incinerator. The mass feed rate of a particular POHC Win in lb/h, mass emission rate of the same POHC Wout in lb/h & POHC is principal organic hazardous contaminant are the required elements to perform DRE calculation in evironmental engineering.

Formula for Destruction & Removal Efficieny
In environmental engineering, the below mathematical formula is used to calculate the destruction & removal efficieny (DRE). The step by step calculation for each set of inputs let users to understand how to perform such hazardous emission rate to air calculations manually.

formula for hazardous emission rate to air calculation

In the field of environmental engineering, while working with hazardous emission, sometimes it's important to analyse the DRE rate. The above formula & step by step calculation may useful for users to understand how the values are being used in the formula, however, when it comes to online for quick calculations, this destruction & removal efficieny calculator helps the user to perform & verify such calculations as quick & easy as possible.