Water Quality Modelling (Streeter-Phelps) Calculator

DOsta - Saturated dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L)
D - Dissolved oxygen deficit (mg/L)
μ  =  2
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Dissolved oxygen deficit calculator - formula & step by step calculation to measure how dissolved oxygen decreases in a stream or river due to degradation of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), based on Streeter-Phelps water quality modelling equation. D = {(k1L0/k2 - k1) [exp-k1t - exp-k2t] + D0 exp-k2t}. Deoxygenation rate constant k1 in base e days-1, initial BOD ultimate in mixing zone L0 in mg/L, reaeration rate k2 in base e days-1, time t in days & initial dissolved oxygen deficit in mixing zone D0 in mg/L are the key elements of this calculation.

Formula for Dissolved Oxygen Deficit
In environmental engineering, the below equation is used to measure dissolved oxygen decreases in a stream or river due to degradation of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). This calculator provides step by step calculation for each set of inputs let users to understand how to perform such stream or water quality modelling calculations manually for environmental impact analysis

Streeter-Phelps equation to measure dissolved oxygen decrease or deficit in a stream

In the field of environmental engineering, while working with environmental impact analysis, sometimes it's important to analyse the water quality in a river or stream along a certain distance. The above equation & the step by step calculation may useful for users to understand how the values are being used in this stream quality modelling calculation, however, when it comes to online for quick calculations, this dissolved oxygen deficit calculator helps the user to perform & verify such calculations as quick & easy as possible.