Exponential Distribution Calculator is an online Probability and Statistics tool for data analysis programmed to model the behavior of units that have a constant failure rate between events occurring continuously and independently at a constant average rate. This calculator generate the output values of Exponential distribution, Mean, Median, Variance and Standard Deviation according to the respective input values.
The exponential distribution is a simple distribution also often used in reliability engineering. Mathematically, it is used in improper situations. It is used to form the behavior of units that have a stable failure rate. The exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution function and can be derived from the below formula.
The probability density function (pdf) of an exponential distribution is
where x is random variable and λ is parameter of the distribution
The collection of tools employs the study of methods and procedures used for gathering, organizing, and analyzing data to understand theory of Probability and Statistics. The set of ideas which is intended to offer the way for making scientific implication from such resulting summarized data. In many applications it is necessary to calculate the failure rate for a given sets of data, where this online failure rate calculator can help you to effortlessly make your calculations for given data sets.